Over the weekend we went to a reptile show with Mason. He loved it, ran up to the cages saying "wow!" They had a petting area, he got to pet a giant tortoise and an alligator! No pictures of that unfortunately. He liked all of the snakes, turtles, frogs and lizards, but did not like the gila monster because of it's name.

Mason had bubbles all over his lion bath toy and Erika said, "Hey, that looks like a sheep!" Mason said, "That's not a sheep, it's a lion!" But after Mama explained how it is a lion, it just looks like a sheep, Mason now enjoys putting bubbles on the lion and calls it a "lion sheep."

Dizzy just cannot have most toys, she promptly destroys them. The one above is supposed to be a duck, she ate the arms and feet off!

The culprits looking dejected and guilty.

The culprits looking dejected and guilty.