"Too heavy!"

This was a huge washtub of dried corn! The kids thought it was the greatest thing in the world.

Yes, it is still the desert.

Mason jumping from the haybales.
It was really disappointing not to pick apples from the tree, but it was a really fun trip. We definately want to do it again next year.
Sadly Erika finishes her surgery rotation tomorrow and will begin a five-month rotation at the VA podiatry clinic Monday. At least it will be the end of her long days. Some days she would be in surgery past Mason's bedtime. This week she missed the family dinner three times. Those long days are hard on everyone, but at least she's learning a lot. The hours will be better next rotation (8-4), but won't be as exciting. She's finalizing her contract for a job here in Tucson. Only eight months left!