Times are a-changing! June 30 Erika finished her residency in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and then started private practice July 1. The new job has started off slowly and probably won't pick up too quickly. It is taking a ridiculously long time to get credentialed at hospitals and get on the insurance plans. We don't mind the delay at all, we're not sure how busy we want her to be while expecting a baby. The truth is she works plenty of hours seeing her boss's patients. It would be nice if she had her own patients, though!

Erika had her baby shower this weekend. Several of her closest friends came and it was a lot of fun. Mason of course didn't understand the gifts were for Baby Sister.

One of the games involved melting candy bars in diapers and trying to guess what it was. Kind of gross, but fun, and actually a tasty treat.

Mason has his big boy room now! The theme is Disney's Cars, complete with bedding, posters and wallpaper border. Mama and Dada went all out for their little man! We thought more blue walls would be overkill, so we went with a more versatile (we hope) color for the bottom half of the room which is supposed to be Mater (the tow-truck in the poster) rust brown.

He fortunately loves it and was very excited by his "surprise" this morning at the reveal. He wanted to nap in it today, but was too excited to sleep. We were able to reuse the curtains from his baby room and will get girly ones for Baby Sister. Too bad the baby's room couldn't have such a comfortable recliner also!

This is a Cars toy organizer. It has actually helped keep some of the mess controlled. There is so much Disney stuff to choose from! Next on our list is a cars laundry hamper :)