So apparently it's been forever since we've updated the blog. The fun activities in Ohio continued. Erika, Kevin, Loren, Dirk and Diane went to the Ohio State game while Uncle Billy and Uncle Don graciously watched the kids. We went on a train ride through the hocking hills, followed by a few short hikes in Old Man and Ash Caves. Mason had just gotten new hiking boots and was excited to wear them, so he was a great hiker.

We also spent a lot of time with Great-Grandma. She of course adores the kids and they were so sweet, gave her a lot of kisses!

The week after we got back Erika and Camryn went on a hike to Lemmon Pools. It was their longest yet, 8 miles and 1500 feet elevation gain. It was hard, but worth it, the water was cool and refreshing! I apologize, there seems to be no way to rotate the pictures if they were taken vertically. I use the Droid phone camera for everything, it's just easier, but that's one down side. I try to take mostly horizontal photos.

See how much Camryn loved it!

On another trip to the Children's Museum Camryn enjoyed playing with another little baby girl. The other girl was older and gave Camryn lots of hugs. Wouldn't it be nice if adults were as nice to each other as kids were?

The kids have been sick for about a week, starting last Saturday with Mason having green drainage oozing from his eyes. As creepy as it sounds, our MD friend seemed to think it was just mucus filling his sinuses. When it wasn't better Sunday night, we started both kids on antibiotics (Camryn prophylactically since she gets so many ear infections). Mason was so tired that he passed out on his floor at bed time while Erika was putting Camryn to bed.

Two years ago Uncle Loren bought Mason a Smart Cycle that we thought would encourage him to learn to peddle. It did not and he hardly ever used it. He has mastered it now and has found a racing game that he loves and has been doing it almost non-stop for days.

Today we went to a birthday party at Pump It Up, a place loaded with inflatable activities. Camryn could climb the ladder and ride on Erika's lap to go down the slide, and Mason was all over the place, loving the slides.

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