The kids made their Christmas wishes waiting in line to see Santa.

Part of the new Bodyology exhibit at the Children's museum.

Katie, our new cat. We adopted her in June.

Camryn doodling.

Lion cubs at the zoo. They are so cute!

Jumping away! Camryn was only happy if she was with Mason, and became stressed if another kid entered the castle.

One day at dinner, Camryn entertained herself by playing with her food. She thought it great fun to decorate a pecan with pieces of lettuce. She did it for an hour!

Her masterpiece.

Playing in the stream at Madera Canyon.

Camryn loves flowers and loves spending time in the garden. She took a short break from trying to pick the flowers to pose for the picture.

Playing with the Thomas set at the toy train museum.

Trying to climb the tree on a warm fall day.